

Legal information

In accordance with  §5 section 1 TMG (Germany)
Cytech GmbH
Executive Board: Rebecca Bolger, Andreas Fischer, Franciscus van de Ven, Amelia Dorothy Legutki


Registered office
Happurger Str. 84-88
90482 Nürnberg


Happurger Str. 84-88
90482 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 (0)911 / 54 44 524


Commercial register:
Registration Court; Nürnberg, HRB:15928
VAT ID No: DE812599492


Responsible for content in accordance with §10 section 3 MDStV (Germany):
Executive Board: Rebecca Bolger, Andreas Fischer, Franciscus van de Ven, Amelia Dorothy Legutki


Conception, screendesign and coding
Phone: +49 (0)911 89 14 66 0


Right of use, copyright, trademarks:
Use of this website is only permitted to meet your own, private or commercial information needs. All content on und is owned by Cytech GmbH or third-parties.
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No liability is assumed for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information or references contained in the domain. Any liability for any damage from the use of linked pages is excluded. The respective authors are responsible for the content of the linked pages. The authors expressly distance themselves from any illegal content on the linked pages. The authors rate the content of these pages only at the time of inclusion; later changes cannot be ensured. The authors also have no influence on the content of external websites in the event of their short-term development through updates and are therefore in no way responsible for their content. Nevertheless, should you be aware that a link offered on these (third-party) pages refers to a page with infringing content, please send us an email immediately so that the corresponding link can be deleted.