ICG® Live Rides

Wir bringen den ICG® Spirit zu Euch nach Hause oder ins Studio! Ob bei unserer Live Ride Serie oder einem anderen Live Event, unsere Master Trainer bringen gemeinsam mit Euch die Schwungscheiben zum Glühen.

ICG® Live Rides

Wir bringen den ICG® Spirit zu Euch nach Hause oder ins Studio! Ob bei unserer Live Ride Serie oder einem anderen Live Event, unsere Master Trainer bringen gemeinsam mit Euch die Schwungscheiben zum Glühen.


ICG® Evolution Ride (via Live Stream)

Sei dabei! Am 21. September 2024 kommt der ICG Evolution Ride - Jubiläums Edition - per Live Stream zu Dir nach Hause. Acht Stunden episches Indoor Cycling Erlebnis, das gesamte ICG Master Trainer Team, ein unvergesslicher Tag voller Emotionen!

Single Ticket      Club Ticket

ICG® Evolution Ride (via Live Stream)

Sei dabei! Am 21. September 2024 kommt der ICG Evolution Ride - Jubiläums Edition - per Live Stream zu Dir nach Hause. Acht Stunden episches Indoor Cycling Erlebnis, das gesamte ICG Master Trainer Team, ein unvergesslicher Tag voller Emotionen!

Single Ticket      Club Ticket

ICG® Experience Day (via Live Stream)

Have you ever wondered, what those color zones on your ICG indoor cycle console are all about? Or how to take a proper FTP test, including pre-fatigue (preparing your body for the FTP test), or even how to create your own epic rides in a fun and easy way? Then you are not alone! Join our brand new workshop on October 12th and get started with our ICG basics on Coach By Color®, power training and workout builder tips, making sure you are getting the most out of your ICG bike and your training! It’s for everyone and all fitness levels!

Single Ticket     

ICG® Experience Day (via Live Stream)

Have you ever wondered, what those color zones on your ICG indoor cycle console are all about? Or how to take a proper FTP test, including pre-fatigue (preparing your body for the FTP test), or even how to create your own epic rides in a fun and easy way? Then you are not alone! Join our brand new workshop on October 12th and get started with our ICG basics on Coach By Color®, power training and workout builder tips, making sure you are getting the most out of your ICG bike and your training! It’s for everyone and all fitness levels!

Single Ticket